The Astrology Blog. About Astrology, the Science of Time. Based on Astronomy & Mathematics, Astrology is the application of the Law of Probability in toto. This is the official blog of the site
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Vishakha Njattuvela strikes Kerala !
Fierce rains, accompanied by thunder and lightning, was the characteristic of Vishakha Jnattuvela or the Sun's transit of Beta Librae.
This is Thula Varsha or the North East Retreating Monsoon. Great thunder and lightning at Trichur and I couldnt work on my PC or watch Tv at night.
In Cherpu of Trichur, more than 400 acres of agriculture were destroyed by the rains, the rains of Life and Death.
The Monsoon season in Kerala is about to end and will end with Thrikketa Jnattuvela or the end of the sidereal month of Scorpio. From Sagittarius onwards, it is the hot season and farmers will have to water their lands till the 15th of Edava or Taurus, which heralds the South West Monsoon.
When the Retreating Monsoon ( N E Monsoon ) ends, there is no sigh of relief in this Tropical Zone or Torrid Zone, situated at 10.30 degrees north latitude, as nobody likes the blistering hot season. More than 100 people died due to sunstroke last summer !
Monday, October 18, 2010
Libra means rains to Tamil Nadu !
The Sun entered the first degree of Sidereal Libra, thus heralding the North East Monsoon or Thula Varsham, as per Astro Meteorology.
This is the Retreating Monsoon. Coming as a depression from the Bay of Bengal, it takes the moisture laden winds and then sweep down on the Himalayas and Indo Gangetic plains, and then pours over peninsular India ! Mainly caused by the heat generated by the overhead Sun on the Tropic of Capricorn. The places of the Indian Ocean becomes hot and the northern parts of India become cool. Cool winds from the Bay of Bengal cause this and the result is Thula Varsham !
Expected to rain till the end of the sidereal month of Vrischika or Scorpio, NEM is a boon to states like Tamil Nadu. Kerala gets both SWM and NEM !
Friday, October 08, 2010
A great book on Numerology
Numerology is the art and science of the influence of the power of numbers, which influence our lives. Numbers have vibrations and this is known to Numerology.
Over 2000 years ago, Pythagoras, the father of Geometry, believed the key to understanding the universe was hidden in this mighty science of numbers. The past, present and future can be known via this vibratory science. Creation at it subtlest level is vibration. By identifying and interpreting their hidden meaning and symbolism of Numerology, one can gain insights into the past, present, and future.
The science of Numbers have their special place in our lives as birthdates, anniversaries are all based on numbers. The whole electronic world is based on numbers. In computers, everything is held in binary form, 0 and 1, which is off and on in the electronic representation. Nobody can live without numbers !
If you study your unique set of numbers ( your lucky numbers ), you have at your fingertips the tools to identify and examine the innate and powerful forces that influence your life and the lives of those around you. Through a fresh and exciting analytic/synthetic approach to this intriguing subject, famed numerologist and author Ruth A. Drayer has written Numerology a clear, brief guide for knowing and implementing this magnificent science.
Written for the novitiate as well as for the professional, the book begins with a history of Numerology, tracing its roots to ancient Egypt and Greece, if not India. The fundamentals of this science is explained elaborately, as she discusses the importance of free will, names, and birthdays along with the relevance of odd, even, and attainment numbers. Through the use of numerology charts and easy-to-follow instructions, she guides you into constructing your personal numerological chart.
Through the observation and understanding of your own unique numbers, you have the invaluable opportunity to gain greater insight into the nature of your personality and know your positive and negative aspects, the shortcomings as well as the qualities, with the objective of gaining control of your life. Numerology provides all of the tools you will need to achieve this goal. You can use the power of Numbers to impress people, superiors and achieve luck in whatever sphere you are in.
About the Author:
A professional researcher on the subject, Ruth A. Drayer has pursued the study of the Science of Numbers for over thirty years, and has taught thousands of others her professional & intuitive method of reading numbers. She counsels clients from all over the world, through her private practice. Ms. Drayer has served as a facilitator at conferences and workshops on this subject throughout North America, as she is a highly sought-after public speaker. She is a guest-expert on numerous television and radio shows and a world traveler, artist, and mother of four, Ms. Drayer lives in southern New Mexico.
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
A must book for creating Astrology Software
No study of Astronomy is complete without Kepler ! Did he not bequeth the Laws of Planetary Motion to the world ?
Astronomy is nothing but Mathematical Astrology and Kepler gave the world the three laws of Motion.
1) The planets move in elliptical orbits.
20 Planets move fastest at perihelion ( nearest point to Helios, the Sun ) and slowest at Aphelion ( the farthest point from the Sun ).
3)The squares of their sidereal periods ( orbital periods ) is equal to the cubes of their semi major axes.
The base of Western Astronomy is Kepler. First we study Kepler and then we study Laplace !
Previousy astronomers ( Hipparchus, Ptolemy, Brahe, Copernicus ) have used many geomertical models to give a mathematical account of the movement of the luminaries. Astronomy is a branch of Physics, declared Kepler. In this great book, Kepler's Physical Astronomy, Bruce Stephenson demonstrates the importance of Kepler's physical principles of planetary motion. A must book for students of Astronomy and Mathematical Astrology. Also for the creation of Astronomy and Astrology softwares. In any type of Astro software, let it be Indian, Western or Chinese Astrology, or Yahoo Astrology, this book contains great info which is good for the developer.
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
Atham Njattuvela strikes S Kerala !
Southern Kerala has been devastated by the solar transit of Delta Corvi ( Hasta Njattuvela ). When I woke up today it was raining cats and dogs and even now at 0900 AM, it is still raining.
This D Corvi transit has brought destruction in its wake. In Quilon, one guy died in the pond.
462 houses were destroyed in Trivandrum. The low lying areas of the District are under water now. Agriculture has been destroyed in Karamanayar, Vamanaypuram and. 493 people were moved to rehabilitation camps. The beach is votatile but no destruction has been reported.
The low lying areas of Quilon have been isolated. The rivers of Kallada, Achan Kovil and Ithikara are overflowing.
In Quilon alone 148 houses have been destroyed. 750 partially. The loss has been reported to be 2.15 Cr. 1215 people were moved to rehabilitation camps.
Rains will be there for four more days.
This signals the end of the South West Monsoon. On Oct 18th, Thula Varsham or the North East Monsoon takes over, when the Sun enters the first degree of Sidereal Libra.
Chitra ( Sun's transit of Alpha Virginis ) and Chothi Njattuvelas are known for good rains.
This seems to be Kanni Thula Varsham, as rains are accompanied by lightning, which is the characteristic of Thula Varsham ( the North East Monsoon .
Monday, October 04, 2010
Sensex rise and Jupiter in Pisces
Atham Njattuvela is good and it is raining well in Kerala. Other parts of India also received excellent rains.
Good monsoon means that the agriculturist's income will be up. They will be investing in farm equipments, which is good for such equipment manufacturing companies. As India is an agrarian economy, a good monsoon ensures good industrial growth. The GDP growth is expected to be 8.5%.
Jupiter in Pisces is favourable for India and the Sensex moved to 20.4 K on reports of good monsoon, an expected 8.5 GDP growth and surging car sales. The Index of Industrial Production has gone up. The market capitalisation has gone upto 71,22514 crores. This is a great Value Addition as far as investors are concerned. But then the small investors have booked profits and hence they could not exploit the current bull surge.
$19 b was invested by the FIIs so far in 2010 and the cash flow has triggered the surge in both Sensex and Nifty. In Sep end they invested 43107 crores. Simultaneoulsy the Indian Financial Institutions have sold their holdings, in order to book profits. We hope that furthur momentum will be maintained. Most brokers feel that the Sensex will create new record this Deepavali, the Festival of Lights. They maintain that the record 21.4 K level of the Sensex ( on Jan 10, 2008 ) will be surpassed within one month. Adverse factors like Global Recession and rising crude prices may halt the slide. On 10, Jan 2008, the market capitalisation crossed 72 lakh crores and this wil be surpassed easily.
On Friday, Nifty closed at 6143 and the Sensex 20,445 ! SBI and Infy crossed 3000 INR. L&T crossed 2000 !.
IIP will will the highest in these 18 months. This is another bullish factor. The good monsoon comes as a boon to consumer companies.
Not only is this phase good for the secondary market, the primary market is also rising. 4000 crores were mopped up within 2 weeks.
Machiavellis say that companies will collect about 4800 crores as IPOs and the market has been manipulated. Once the IPOs are over, the market may react sharply. More info at Stock Market Astrology
Jupiter will be moving over to Aquarius and this does not augur well for India. He will be in the 8th in India's national horoscope from Nov 1 onwards. So be careful !
Sunday, October 03, 2010
Marriages are made in Heaven
That is true. Marriages are made in Heaven. But then they are effectuated here on earth.
To effect these Heaven made marriages, human intervention is necessary. We have dating sites in the West and matrimonial sites in the East.
In the Indian tradition, Astrology is indispensable for choosing partners. First the horoscopes are analysed and all the fifteen factors summed for Compatibility.
There are Astro Matrimonial Sites which do the job. My friend, Ranjith, started Guruvayur Matrimony, a dating site. For finding partners, anybody can register FREE.
FREE service is also at Zodiac Matrimonial Data Bank. There are more than 23000 profiles on Eastrovedica. Also on Astrologia Vedica.
These sites provide great service at nominal cost and so many marriages have been effected by these bureaus.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
An Astrological Mandala; The Cycle of Transformations and Its 360 Symbolic Phases by Dane Rudhyar
Did you know that the 360 degrees of the Zodiac has 360 different symbols? These Sabian symbols (a set of astrological notations representing each degree of the zodiac ) can be used for divination. Discusses origins of the symbols. Learn from the great Dane Rudhyar, a Titan in the field of Astrology.
Rudhyar integrated Jungian Psychology with Astrology and called it Harmonic Astrology. He postulated that the stars do not cause the effects ( like Dante who said planets impel and they do not compel ) and that but were pictures synchronistically aligned to human beings. Detailing psychological forces working in individuals. He did not override human freedom in responding to these forces. His magnum opus "The Astrology of Personality" was published in Lucis Publishing.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Book for Software
If you want to calculate the longitudes of planets and create an Astro Software, then the best book for you is Laplace's CelestialMechanics. You can find out the mean longitudes of the planets, calculate the perturbations, the epicycles and then calculate the Heliocentric Longitudes of planets. You can use Laplacian equations to then reduce it to the Ecliptic Coordinates and then reduce them to Geocentric Coordinates, thus computing the true longitudes of the planets. A must for Astro software developers.
Kepler's Formulae
Kepler represents Old Astronomy. If you want to creat an Astro Software, you have to solve the Kepler problem. The Kepler Equation, M = E - e Sin E, may sound easy, but it is a transcendental equation and the most difficult amongst Kepler's equations. We can find out the True Anomaly of the planet, that is the angle between the planet and perihelion. The next step is to find the Argument of Perihelion, which is the angle between the Node and perihelion.
Laplace - Advanced Astronomy
Laplace's Celestial Mechanics is one of the best books ever written. If you read this magnificent book, you can handle Astronomy and Maths easily.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Vedic Astrology, A gude to the Fundamentals of Jyothish
Vedic Astrology, a guide to the fundamentals of Jyothish, is a great book by Ronnie Dreyer, for those hungering for the knowledge of Jyothish. Ronnie Dreyer has made the tough subject light by explaining in simple terms the mighty science of Astrology. Dreyer is well versed in Western Astrology, despite having profound knowledge of Jyothish. She can fathom the complexities, the pitfalls and the perplexities that veteran Western astrologer encounter while they deal with Jyothish. Throughout the book, there are warnings and hints that guide astrologers in the proper path, saving them from the interpretative calamities experienced by many astro savants.
Vedic Astrology is explained in simple terms to the student, without much technical jargon. Vedic Astrology is similar to Western Astrology and differs only by 23.5 degrees, which is the difference between the Zodiacs now.
Foreword is by James Braha, another veteran Vedic Astrologer.
This book is a must for the novitiate, as it contains immense information to the students of Evolutionary Astrology.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology
Astrology has 108 lunar mansions. That is 27 constellations multiplied by 4. Each asterism or Nakshatra is divided into 4 quarters. Nine such quarters tenant a Zodiacal Sign. Beta Arietis ( Aswini ) 1,2,3 and 4, 41 Arietis, 1,2,3 and 4 and the first quarter of Peiades ( Karthika ) tenant the constellation of Aries.
The quarters of Nakshatras are then the lunar mansion and the Sidereal Zodiac has 108 lunar mansions.
The book "Nakshatras, Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology" is a great book by Dr Dennis Harness and Dr David Frawley. It deals with the Sidereal Zodiac and contains a wealth of information about Vedic Astrology. A must for the novitiate.
Both are great scholars of Astrology and can enlighten the students about the great stellar science which is Vedic Astrology. Once the concept of Lunar Mansions is understood, the student can easily grasp the structure of the Sidereal Zodiac, upon which Vedic Astrology is based.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Books to read to widen the horizons of Knowledge
Do you feel stressed out ? Millions feel so. There is no need to panic, as there is a technique to heal your mind and strengthen your body. The technique is Yoga. You many ask How ? With a combined strategy of yoga stretches and meditation. You can feel the stress melt away as you practise the ancient art of Yoga and Meditation to help bring your emotional well beinto into balance and keep your body fit at the same time. Yoga has natural healing properties that can alleviate the symptoms of most common ailments. " A Beginners Guide to Yoga and Meditation " is a gem from Dr Shashi Patwardhan. A must for the novice.
Dr Shashikant's " A Practical Guide to Yoga " breaks the mold of all the other Yoga instruction books you have heard and read aloud, presenting proven steps to help you achieve Self Actualisation.
Friday, September 03, 2010
Actualise Your Immense Potential
Economy is Prudence
Have you heard this lucrative deal ? You can watch over 3500 satellite channels directly on your computer. Satellite Direct is the answer. Why pay $ 100 for Cable or Satellite TV services when Satellite Direct is there ? No subscription or monthly fees, no hardware to install, no bandwidth limits, 24/7 unlimited access, 3500 channels with auto channel updates ! Satellite Direct can reduce your bills !
Sunday, July 11, 2010
The Equation of Bhuja
Bhujamsa is the degrees traversed by the planet in the Zodiac. In the mighty 360 degree Circle, the planet may be anywhere and its position is the mean longitude of the planet. The planet actually is in the ellipse and its position is the true longitude of the planet.
If the planet is say at 42 degrees, then the Equation of Bhuja states that its Bhujamsa is 42 degrees. That is in the first Oja Pada, in the first quarter of 0-90 degrees, the Bhujamsa is the same.
If the planet is say at 110 degrees, then the Equation of Bhuja states that its Bhujamsa is 70 degrees. That is in the first Yugma Pada, in the second quarter of 90-180 degrees, the Bhujamsa is 180 - bhuja.
If the planet is say at 200 degrees, then the Equation of Bhuja states that its Bhujamsa is 20 degrees. That is in the second Oja Pada, in the third quarter of 180-270 degrees, the Bhujamsa is bhuja - 180.
If the planet is say at 300 degrees, then the Equation of Bhuja states that its Bhujamsa is 60 degrees. That is in the second Yugma Pada, in the fourth quarter of 270-360 degrees, the Bhujamsa is 360 - bhuja.
Bhuja Jya is Sin ( M ) and is the sine value of the Kendra. Bhuja Jya is used in the calculation of Epicycles, in calculating the Equation of Center for Moon, Jupiter and Saturn.
The Manda Phala, the Equation of Center is given by the formula
Equation of Center, Mandaphala =Circumference of the Epicycle ( Parama Phala ) * Manda Kendra Jya ( Sin M ).
This is the equation used in calculating the 14 perturbations of the Moon, the five of Jupiter and the six of Saturn.
Definition of Ascendant
The Ascendant is defined as the intersecting point between the Ecliptic and the Celestial Horizon and is the Eastern Celestial Horizon. It is represented by the formula
Tan L = Sin E / cos E cos w - Sin w Tan A
where A is Latitude of the place, w is the maximum declination of the Sun, E is the Right Ascension of East Point ( Sayana Kala Lagna ) & L - the Lagna.
Raseenam Udayo Lagnam - Udaya Lagna, the Ascendant, the pivot of the horoscope, is the Eastern Celestial Horizon. In Astrology everything is based on Lagna, Sarvam Lagnepi Chinthayel.
180 degrees opposite to the Ascendant is the Descendant, the Astha Lagna and is the Western Celestial Horizon.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Decanate Cycles and the Rise of Zion !
A Precessional Cycle is 27200 years ( 360 degrees ) and so one Decanate ( 10 degrees ) Cycle is 700 years.
A Decanate Cycle is also known as an Astro Sub Cycle.
700 A D saw the Rise of the Islamic Civilization.
1400 AD saw the beginning of the American Empire.
Count Louis Hamon remarked that " this important date for the continent of America coincides with the date given for the return of the Israelites into their own land and the commencement of the Twelve Tribes as one nation, fulfilling the prophecy of Jeremiah"
2100 AD will see the Rise of Zion
Within this 700 years, the Jews will have moved forward at a rapid pace and made tremendous strides in economic, military & scientific spheres.
Israel, even though its size is tiny, is a hidden Superpower. It is the only democracy in the Middle East and it has risen to become one of the world’s technological giants.
India, the Jewel in the Crown !
India has such strategic importance that the Britishers used to call her the Jewel in the Crown.
Its trading harbours, immense population, its great resources, its reserve of militaty strength, a powerful army with a fertile soil, an army ready to be hurled at any point of time - all these, reckoned Lord Curzon as he contemplated world dominion, are assets of precious value !
But then India is going through a critical phase, like Pak. India has still 10 months to go, for Elarata Saturn to be over. Elarata Saturn means emotional suffering, strife and struggle. After Saturn's stay in the 2nd house, which indicates sukhartha vihathim or loss of happiness and economic slowdown. Saturn moves over to the benign 3rd. In the 3rd Saturn will redeem all that India has lost !
Gold moves up again !
Gold, as we predicted, has gone upto $982 !
How correct we are in our prediction !
Gold Astrology ? Is it possible ? Why not ?
All markets are cyclical .
The Recession which the world is facing now is the result of the World
Economy extending itself. Prices of Realty skyrocketed in New York, Tokyo
and Bombay. The Stock Markets hit the Zenith with Dow rising to 11 K and the
Sensex to 21 K !. The World Economic Boom had to be followed by a World
Recession, as a boom means that the Economy has extended itself and a
Recession becomes due in order to restore it to its original balance !
So Recession was inevitable. The Subprime Crisis was a consequence of the
economy extending itself.
However, the silver lining is that Gold is the only market which has
withstood the onslaught.
Gold, which was $682 ( which can be taken of as its Support Level ) had now
risen to $974 !. A gain of almost 300 dollars per ounce.
Jupiter Cycles Related to Gold Cycles
Jupiter rules Gold ( Gurum Kachana Sannibham ). Based on the transits of
Jupiter, Gold's boom and recession can be predicted
Astrologically, Jupiter is now in a state of deep debilitation. From now on
Jupiter will increase its potent strength. In Aquarius he will be powerful.
All this indicates that the Gold Market is cyclical, like all other
markets, and can be taken advantage of !
Let us do the Technical Analysis of Gold and we find that the bottom is
$682, which it was six months back.
From his deep debilitation point, Jupiter will be growing in strength from
now on. Which means Gold is the best market now, when almost all markets are
in recession.
The Gold Cycle can be taken advantage of. $1000 was the Resistance level of
Gold an in few years we will find that Gold will break that barrier.
Rising bottoms in Technical Analysis means that the Impulse Phase of Gold
is Bullish. There can be Corrective Phases. Corrective Phase is the
They are natural in any markets. Gold can be bought at declines.
Gold coins are the best investment now. 31.1 gms ( an ounce ) coin is the
best. 8 gms and 4 gms of coins can be purchased at declines and sold at

Gold Astrology - a blend of Technical Analysis and Astrology !
Like Stock Market Astrology, Forex Astrology and Astro-Lottology, Astrology
can be used in Gold Market.
I bought Gold at INR 1210 per gm and sold it for INR 1295, a gain of Rs 85.
I sold too early,but then it is practically impossible to get the top and bottom !
The Anti Trend in TA is known as the Corrective Phase.
At the moment, the Impulse Phase is bullish as Gold is on an upcurve, having risen to $990.
Astrology invokes the inner Sun !
The inner Sun or the Absolute Self is invoked by all astrologers !
The astrologer's prayer starts like this
I bow down to the Absolute Self
Who shines in all states triune
The giver of boons divine
The supreme Poet ! Builder of all sciences !
Asthu Trailokya Deepaya Bhakthabhi Mathadayine
Samastha Vidya Nirmana Kavaye Ravaye Namah
Moorthithve Parikalpitha Sasabrutho Varma Punarjanmanam
Athmeathmavidham Kruthuscha Yajatham Bharthamara Jyothisham
Lokanam Pralayodayasthithi Vibhuschanekada Ya Sruthau
Vacham Na Sa dathunaikakirana Trailokya Deepo Ravi
May the Almighty Self who is all in all of the nature of
Time Eternal give me the divine gift of articulate speech !

The Song of the Nine Planets, Nava Graha Stotram !
It is said that the Cosmic Man, the Lord, assumed the form of planets to disseminate Karma, the Law of Cause & Effect to all !
Jeevanam Karma Phalada Graha Roopi Janardhana
This Ninefold Astro Song is sung by all astrologers, invoking the Nine Cosmic Energies which pervade all.
After chanting these Nine verses, another verse for invoking their immanence in all that is good is also chanted
Ye Ye graha shubheshu sthaneshu sthitha
Thesham grahanam Subha Phalam Prarthayartham
Ye Ye graha shubheshu sthaneshu sthitha
Thesham grahanam anukoolyam siddhayartham

A devotional song for Lord Saturn !
It is said in Indian Mythology that the demon King Ravana commanded Saturn to come and stay at the 11th House ( the best House for Saturn ) when his son Indrajith was born. Saturn had to obey this demon King, as the demon King was invested with occult powers. But then, Saturn is there to make man bear the Cross, to purge sins. So he came and stayed at the 11th House but then with his customary guile, put his other leg in the 12th House ( the worst house for Saturn to be in ). The demon King's son was ultimately defeated at the battlefield !
It is a well known principle that no man can reach Heaven without going through Hell. People in Italy used to look at Dante and say " This is the man who had gone through Hell". Only by bearing the Cross of suffering and strife can one reach Heaven. No roses without thorns and no Heaven without Hell !
This well known principle is exemplified by Saturn. Saturn is the planet of Boundless Time, Eternity and though temporary suffering, He gives eternal happiness to the native.
We have said earlier in our blog that the Cosmic Man assumed the form of planets to disseminate Karma, the result of past actions, to human beings. It is His aspect as a Taskmaster, as the Force that makes man bear the Cross, which Saturn represents. It is said that He is Moksha Karaka or significator of Redemption or Self Actualisation.
In India there are a lot of Saturn temples, as the Hindus are astronomically oriented and worship all aspects of the Divine. Let us chant this devotional song to free ourselves from the strife and suffering we are afflicted with !

Venus, the fair planet of Love !
" The fair planet that hearteneth to love " said Dante about this lovely planet. One of the four solar terrestrial planets, Venus is astronomically a hell in the heavens, with a tremedous temperature. It is known as the sister of earth, due to its similarity with earth.
In Grecian Mythology, She is Aphrodite. In Roman Mythology, She is Venus. In Indian Mythology, he is the preceptor of the demons, Shukra. In Semitic Mythology, She is Ishtar or Astarte.
Aphrodite was worshipped on the islands of Cyprus. The early Romans worshipped Venus as the Goddess of Fertility. Known as the Goddess of Chastity in women, and as Venus Generatrix, She was worshipped as the mother of Aeneas. As Venus Felix, the bringer of good fortune and also as Venus Victrix, the bringer of victory.
In Indian Mythology, the Sage Bhrigu is Venus, the preceptor of the demons. In the Paradise Lost, Satan says it is better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven. There are two paths, the way of Mammon and the flesh ( Preyo marga ) and the way of Being and of Bliss ( Sreyo marga ). The way of Mammon is chosen by the ordinary people and the way of God by the noble. Venus represents the Preyo Marga or the mundane,while Jupiter represents the Sreyo Marga or the supra-mundane.
Hence two portfolios were given to these two planets by the Almighty. Jupiter is the preceptor of the celestials and Venus, the preceptor of the demons , equal to the God and Satan of Western symbolism.
So Venus is Asura Guru ( preceptor of demons ), pitted against the Deva Guru or preceptor of the celestials, Jupiter. These two planets are at war, like the prosecution counsel and defence counsel in a court of law.
He represents Pragmatism, the philosophy that points out that it is Wealth that is ruling the world. He is a Machiavelli, an endorser of End justifying the means. Jupiter represents Jesus and Venus Machiavelli. Thesis and Anti Thesis. Hence his role as the Asura Guru.
Venus represents Wealth, Wine and Women. He is depicted as a drunkard. When Venus dasa rules, the native indulges in Wine and the pleasures of the flesh. Contrast this with Jupiter Dasa, when the native goes to pilgrim centers and strives for Enlightenment.
Astronomically, Venus traced a perfect pentacle in the heavens. Pentagram is the symbol of Venus. The number Six is his number. The Hexagram, the six pointed star, is also a Venusian symbol. Some dogmatists converted this pentagram of Venus into a Satanic symbol. It is not Satanic, on the contrary it is the symbol of the planet of Love !
He represents Poetics, Aesthetics & Rhetoric. Research shows that
great poets have powerful Venus dominating their horoscopes. In
the horoscopes of Tennyson, Byron, Aurobindo, Omar Khayam & Tagore,
Venus was well positioned in the second house.
Dwitheeyastho yadi bhrigu kavyalankara sastravan
They say a poet is born
If Venus tenants the Second !
Venus rules over three constellations of the Sidereal Zodiac,
41 Arietis ( Bharani ), Delta Leonis ( Pubba ) & Delta Sagittari
( Poorvashada ).
He represents Pragmatism, which is against the Idealism of Jupiter.
As Venus Pompeiana, She was the patron Deity of Pompei. Nude statues of her can be found in Pompeian gardens. She was Venus fisica, or the Venus related to Nature, as referred by the Pompeians.
She is Freya in Norse Mythology. Freya's day became Friday. From the Latin dies Freya and the Sanskrit Shukravar.
Her Aphelion is .728, 231, 28 AU, Perihelion .718 432 70 AU, Semi major axis .723 332 AU, Eccentricity .0068, Sidereal period is .615 197 years and Synodic period is 583.92 days.
Shukra Neethi & Brihaspathi Neethi
Venus, Shukra, represents Shukra Neethi.
Can one lie ? Yes, if it can save a life !
In a game,
To save a life,
To please preceptor
To protect wealth
To protect daughter
Yes, one can lie !
This is the whole of Shukra Neethi. There is no harm in making money, according to this Neethi, there is no harm in taking revenge, there is no harm in cursing anybody who harms you !
This is contrary to Brihaspathi Neethi, ( the Law of Brihaspathi or Jupiter ), which says one should not curse, one should not take revenge & one should not make money through unlawful means ! Jupiter rises to a nobler Law which returns good for Evil, Love for hatred. But not Venus or Shukra, who is mundane to the core !
There are two types of Dharma, Asura Dharma, represented by Venus and Deva Dharma, represented by Jupiter. They are both antithetical to each other !
In the Holy Geetha, Lord Krishna says that He is Venus, the poet. Kaveenam Usana Kavee
His stotra is
Hima Kunda Mrinalabham
Daithyanam Paramam Gurum
Sarva Shastra Pravartharam
Bhargavam Pranamamyaham
His Peedahara Stotra is
Daitya mantri gurus thesham
Pranadascha Maha mathih
Prabhusthara grihanamscha
Peedam harathu me Brighuh
His Gayatri is
Om Ashwadwajaya Vidmahe
Dhanur Hasthaya Dheemahi
Thanna Shukra Prachodayath
His mantra is
Om Shukraya Namah
Punarvasu Jnattuvela proves destructive !
Widespread losses to the tune of crores and many deaths have been reported in Kerala, as Punarvasu Jnattuvela poured rain in torrents.
The fag end of Aridra Jnattuvela also was destructive, but not to this extent.
But less rains were reported at the beginning of these two Jnattuvelas. Yesterday trains were stopped on the Tcr-Gvr route. All roads were submerged in a flood like situation. The clouds are now brimming with pessimistic prophecies.
87 deaths have been reported in Kerala. Loss to the tune of 132 crores. 514 houses have been completely destroyed and 11,092 houses have been partially destroyed. Govt has declared that 19 crores will be given as immediate relief to the rain affected victims. Free ration of rice has been given to those affected by the destructive rains.
In Mattathoor, water played havoc in a chicken farm. 2000 hens died as a result.
I couldnt get out of my apartment yesterday and couldnt go to office. However, I worked at my Home PC.
Make mega Stock market profits at affordable rates -
The stamp of Jupiter !
My daughter's counselling was on a
She was enrolled on a Thursday, Aslesha at Madurai Medical College. Thursday is the day of Thor or Jupiter ( Guruvar ) !
I was born on a THURSDAY, Aslesha. She was enrolled on my 54th birthday !
Science calls these things coincidences. According to occult science, they are synchronicities, indications that all events are arranged by a Wisdom !
Her Jupiter is powerfully posited in Leo ! Taurus rising and Jupiter, the Noble Planet, aspects the House of Profession, tending her to the Noble Professions, Medicine, Law or Philosophy.
When Aurobindo's birthdate coincided with India's independence, he remarked
" I take this circumstance, not as a fortuitous accident, but as a sanction of the Divine Force "
I say the same thing. It is the stamp of Jupiter, the stamp of the Guru and the sanction of the Divine Force !
About Jupiter, Dante wrote
The aspect of thy son Hyperion (Sun ) I there endured
How Maia ( Mercury ) and Dione ( Venus ) dance about and near them
The temperings of Jove with his father and child. ( The temperate Jupiter above the hot Mars and the chill Saturn ).
" I see in the torch of Jove the kindling of Love ", he said. It is Love he saw in Jupiter, the planet of Wisdom and Love ! Isnt Dante's Divine Comedy Astro Poetry ?
My Jupiter in Cancer is in the Ascendant, my daughter's in Leo in the angular Fourth, my son's in the angular Seventh, in Aquarius and my wife's in the Ascendant, in Sagittarius !
It is true that Jupiter has blessed us in His bounty !
The Jupiter - Rahu conjunction !
Jupiter Rahu conjunction is called Guru Chandala Yoga and is adverse for stock markets and the economic sector.
Jupiter is the financial planet and his debilitation is bad for world economy. Rahu conjoining debilitated Jupiter means that the stock markets will be jittery. Seems to correspond to the Sensex and the Nifty showing signs of weakness !
We reiterate that this is not the time to invest in stock markets !
Jupiter will be moving over to Aquarius on Dec 19th. Till that time world economy will be in the doldrums !
Saturn will be moving over to Virgo on Sept 8th, ending Elarata Saturn for India, whose star is Pushya. India will go into a new phase of expansion and many industries like IT, BT, food processing etc will rise.
Trees of the Zodiac !
Thenmala Tourism has incorporated a great concept. They have started a Nakshatra Vanam ( Star Trees or trees which represent starts ). 27 trees corresponding to the 27 constellations have been planted. Trees have social, medicinal, aesthetic and economic value.
Those born in Beta Arietis ( Aswini ) can worship Kanjiram or Nux Vomica. The tree which represent the native's star will give him the much needed prosperity.
1. Aswathy Kanjiram Nux vomica
2. Bharani Nelli Indian Gooseberry
3. Karthika Atthi Cluster Fig
4. Rohini Njaval Jamun
5. Makayiram Karingali Cucth Tree
6. Thirvathira Kumbil Cashmere Tree
7. Punartham Mula Bamboo
8. Pooyam Arayal Sacred Fig
9. Aayilyam Nagapoo Messua Tree
10. Makam Peral Banyan Tree
11. Pooram Chamata Flame of the Forest
12. Uthram Ithi Indian Laurel
13. Atham Ambazham Hog Plum
14. Chithira Koovalam Beal Tree
15. Chothi Neermaruthu Arjuna Tree
16. Visakham Vayamkatha Governor's Plum
17. Anizham Elanji Bullet Wood Tree
18. Ketta Pachotti Bodh Tree
19. Moolam Veluthakunthirikom White Dammar
20. Pooradam Samudrakai Fish Poison Tree
21. Uthradam Pilavu Jack Fruit Tree
22. Thiruvonam Erukku Gigantic Swallow
23. Avittam Paarampu Indian Gum Tree
24. Chathayam Kadambam Kadam Tree
25. Pooruruttati Mavu Mango Tree
26. Uthrattathi Veppu Margosa Tree
27. Revathi Iluppa Butter Tree
You can tell your complaints to the tree.
The Thenmala Ecotourism Society gives seeds and maintains a Nursery. People can plant the trees they like at their house and be blessed.
The stamp of Jupiter again !
Zodiac Computers was started on 09031988, on a Vishakham day. Vishakha is ruled by Jupiter.
On Tuesday, the office became mine. I was a tenant for 21 years and on Tuesday I bought it from the owners. Tuesday was coincidentally Vishakha star.
By Zodiac Computers, I meant a firm dedicated to the Zodiac or Astrology. Jupiter, now is in my favourable Seventh House.
More info about Jove's transit can be had at
Transit of Jupiter
Jupiter has been the Guiding Hand in my life and this is another proof !

Saturnalian Wisdom
Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun. Hexagram is its symbol.
According to Egyptian Wisdom, Sheriff was a Law Giver and his badge was a six pointed star, which is a symbol of Saturn. US Sherifs in the Wild West still wear a six pointed star.
He is sixth from the Sun, Saturday is the sixth day of the week and now NASA is receiving the images of the Saturn Hexagram ( six sided ) atmospheric formation of Saturnine poles.
Muslims circumambulate around a Cube Deity which they call the Kaaba. The Kaaba is derived from Kabba Alllah, meaning Cube Divine. Incidentally, Jewish Mysticism is called Kabalah, meaning Kaaba Allah, the Cube the Divine . People gather around this Cube God and walk ceremonially in circles.
They are circling the square.
Free Masons also do the same. They circle the square and square the Circle.
The Masonic G represents Geometry, God and Gnosticism. LIke people ceremonially walking around the Cube Deity, they use a compass/square around their G, the Great Geometer of the Universe.
The astrologer is a Redeemer !
Shaw talked about the redemption of the world through Beauty everlasting.
We are talking about the redemption of the world through Love everlasting.
And where does the astrologer come in ? He is the analyser of heavenly archetypes or horoscopes !
With is intuitive and analytical skill, he analyses the heavenly archetype. Said Aurobindo " The mystery of the lotus cannot be deciphered by analysing the mud below, but by analysing the heavenly archetype of the lotus that blooms forever in the heavens above ".
In the horoscope, the Lord has given an escape route to all. Many are tormented by the continuous web of life and the sorrow of the temporal. People turn to Astrology for comfort, to escape from the problems that overwhelm them. By finding out the primary causes that led to the suffering, the astrologer is doing divine service to all.
The Grand Law of Causation, the Law of Karma is the base of all that is. The Law of Cause and Effect, the Law of Retribution states that every effect has a cause. Once we analyse the causes, we can disern its repercussions. Identifying the villain of the piece in the horoscope and doing remedial measures for that planet can save the native from suffering.
The Lord is not like a shepherd
Or a Teacher in a class room
Whom He wants to redeem
Solution He shows in the native's mind !
Na devo yashtim adaya
Shishyanthi pasupalaval
Yam thu rakshathum ichchanti
Budhya Samyojayanti Tam
The Astrologer becomes the instrument of Redemption. His instrument !
Saturnalian Wisdom II
Saturn is Black in color. Lawyers and Judges wear the black robe, which represents Saturn.
He is the Mokshakaraka or the symboliser of Liberation. He is the planet of Justice, Destiny and Retribution. Hence his color is worn by Judges and Lawyers, who represent the Law.
When you come out of school, you come out of the procession in a black robe. When you go to a University, you get a Master's Degree. Ma stand for measurer and Ster for Stars, meaning that you are a "measurer of the stars" or an astrologer. This is mystical, as the Zodiac is 360 degrees. You are a Master, if you have mastered the Stars !
Trichur Pooram, the most colourful Festival !
Yesterday was Trichur Pooram, the greatest of all festivals. A group of 15 elephants faced each other and it was a great sight.
Fireworks at 0430 AM today and 05.15 ended the great Trichur Pooram. I saw many foreign tourists in Trichur. Trichur is a tourist spot, because of the Trichur Pooram, the great temple of Vadakkunathan, the great Elephant Sanctuary in Guruvayur, the Palayur Church and the educational institutions in Trichur. Trichur is the cultural and educational capital of Kerala. The Trichur Medical College is spread over 1500 acres !
More than one million witness this great Festival, which occurs on the Pooram day in Mesha, the First Zodiacal Month of the Vedic Calender. Two major temples, Thiruvambadi and Parmakkavu, compete against each other. 15 elephants representing each take part in the festival. Also other elephants from other temples. It is a great sight, with the Trichur Round jampacked. One elephant fell down due to the intense heat. All India is under a heat wave. Global Warming is a real problem and temperature touched 45 degrees !
In my travel and tourism site, Kerala Heritages, I have uploaded a lot of Kerala Tourism, Farm Tourism and Health Tourism videos !
Video about Cherai Beach at Tourism
About Alappuzha Beach
About Medical Tourism
About Health Tourism
About Travel Kerala Tourism
About Organic Farming
About Farm Tourism
About The Arts of Kerala
Jupiter moves over to Pisces today !
Jupiter transits Pisces from May 2 to Nov 1, bring hope to Cancer Moons. Scorpio Moons, Aquarius Moons, Taurus Moons are also benefited.
Jupiter's transit is very important, as he is the greatest benefic in the astrological hierarchy. He is also the significator of finance and his transit are considered very important for the fortunes of individuals and nations.
For US and India, his transit of Pisces will be somewhat benign, bringing consolation in the global meltdown.
More info about this wisdom planet at About Jupiter
The Hindu Lunar Months !
The Vedic Calender was proved right again as it rained for 90 minutes here in Trichur, from 0300 AM onwards. When I woke up at 3, it was raining cats and dogs of all descriptions.
Even though Global Warming had triggered Climate Change, we can expect 90% of the rains, as Kerala is blessed by three Monsoons, the North East, the South West and Summer Monsoons, We used to get 100% rains, say 10 years ago. Even though rains are less, the V C says we will get rains and that sporadic rains will continue till November !
The Vedic Calender gives the dates of the solar months from Mesha ( Aries ) to Meena ( Pisces ). It also gives the lunations from the First Lunation ( Prathama ) to the Last Lunation ( Amavasya ). It also gives the dates for the Hindu lunar months.
The Vedic Lunar Months are lunar months based on Full Moon.
In the first month of Aries ( Mesha ) the Full Moon occurs on the constellation of Chitra and hence it is called Chaitra
In the next month of Taurus (Vrishabha) the Full Moon occurs on the constellation of Vishakha and hence it is called Vaishakha
In the next month of Gemin ( Mithuna) the Full Moon occurs on the constellation of Jyeshta and hence it is called Jyeshta
In the next month of Cancer (Kataka ) the Full Moon occurs on the constellation of Ashada and hence it is called Ashada
In the next month of Leo ( Chingam ) the Full Moon occurs on the constellation of Sravana and hence it is called Sravana
In the next month of Virgo ( Kanya ) the Full Moon occurs on the constellation of Bhadrapada and hence it is called Bhadrapada
In the next month of Liibra ( Thula ) the Full Moon occurs on the constellation of Aswini and hence it is called Ashwin
In the next month of Scorpio ( Vrischika ) the Full Moon occurs on the constellation of Karthika and hence it is called Karthik
In the next month of Sagittarius ( Dhanus ) the Full Moon occurs on the constellation of Mrigasira and hence it is called Margashirsha
In the next month of Capricorn ( Makara ) the Full Moon occurs on the constellation of Pushya and hence it is called Pusha
In the next month of Aquarius ( Kumbha ) the Full Moon occurs on the constellation of Makha and hence it is called Magh
In the next month of Pisces ( Meena ) the Full Moon occurs on the constellation of Phalguna and hence it is called Phalguna
More astro info at eAstroVedica.
Mother of all sciences ?
Solomon saith ' There is no new thing upon the earth. All novelty is but oblivion". Meaning that all new inventions are reflections of thngs heavenly or that the New Science is nothing but Old Science !
Bacon in his essays said " There is an abstruse astrologer that saith; were it not for 2 things that are constant, no human being would live.
1) the fixed stars ever maintain their distance from one another and never come closer to one another nor move furthur asunder
2) the diurnal motion perpetually keepeth time "
Modern Geography talks about the Tropic of Capricorn and the Tropic of Cancer. From which Old Science do these terms Cancer and Capricorn come from ?
Climatology or Meteorology is based on Astronomy. The South West Monsoon was known to Ancient Science as Edava Pathi and the North East Monsoon as Thula Varsham. The Ecliptic of Modern Astronomy was Krantee Vrittam, the Zodiac was Bha or Jyothis Chakram, the Celestial Sphere was Khagola, the Celestial Equator was Vishu Vat Vritta and the Celestial Meridian was Nadi Vritta. The Eastern Celestial Horizon was Udaya Lagna and the Western Celestial Horizon was Astha Lagna
Sun's day became Sunday. Moon' day became Monday. Mars or Tiv's day became Tuesday. Mercury or Woten's day became Wednesday. Jupiter or Thor's day became Thursday. Venus or Freya's day became Friday and Saturn's day became Saturday. From which Ancient Science do these days of the week come from ?
When a student graduates from a University, he is awarded a degree. Where does this word " Degree" come from, if not from the 360 degrees of the Zodiac ?
I was surprised to read that Meteorology, the modern science, forecast that the South West Monsoon would start from May 30 onwards. May 29 was the day when the Sun entered the 15th degree of Taurus, thus heralding Edava Pathi. !
Was Dr BV Raman wrong when he said that Astrology is the mother of all sciences ?
Old is Gold !
Celestial Gravity was known to the ancient savants. Aryabhata postulated that the Sun is at the focus of the ellipse and that all planets revolve around the Sun due to Celestial Gravity. ( Soorya Jagatah chakshu guruthvakarshan ).
Were does the word " Martial " come from. Of course, from Mars !
Where does the word " Venereal" come from. From Venus Veneris, which is Venus !
Where does the word " Jovial " come from ? From Jove or Jupiter !
Where does the word " Saturnine" come from ? From Saturn !
Where does the word " Mercurial" come from ? From Mercury !
Where does the word " Lunacy" come from ? From Luna or Moon.
Solar derives from Sol or Sun. The word " Heliocentric" is derived from Helios or Heli ( Sankrit for Sun ).
The word " Nodal " is derived from the Nodes, the Nodes of the Moon ( Rahu and Ketu ). The Nodal Cycle is 18 years.
Rains which were sporadic during Karthika and Rohini Njattuvelas have strengthened during Makiryam Njattuvela, which began from 8th June onwards. Njattuvelas are Sun's transits of the 27 constellations which tenant the Ecliptic. Today, it is raining cats and dogs and it has been raining for the last 4 hours continously ( 11/06/2010 ).
To the ancients, Perihelion was Sheegrocha and Aphelion was Mandoccha. Trignometric reductions were Jya Samskaras. Reduction to Ecliptic was Parinathi Samskara . Retrogression was Vakra and Acceleration was Athichara. Celestial Longitude was Sphuta and Celestial Latitude was Vikshepa. Sin was Bhujajya, cos was Kotijya and tan was Sparshajya !
So Solomon was right. There is nothing new upon the earth and all novelty is but oblivion !
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Effects of Being Born in the Lunar Months
The Full Moon of Mesha ( Aries ) occurs near the constellation Alpha Virginis ( Chithra ) and hence is called Chaitra. The person born under the lunar month of Chaitra gain strength from a celibate life and they pick up hints quickly from this world.
The Full Moon of Vrishabha ( Taurus ) occurs near the constellation Beta Librae ( Vishakha ) and hence is called Vaishakha. They will have majestic personality, learning and wisdom, political clout and foresight. They love Truth and will be long lived.
The Full Moon of Mithuna ( Gemini ) occurs near the constellation Alpha Scorpi ( Jyeshta ) and hence is called Jyeshta. Those born during this lunar month are highly talented and they think about the pros and cons before they start anything.
The Full Moon of Kataka ( Cancer ) occurs near the constellation Delta Leonis ( Ashada - Pubba ) and hence is called Ashada. Those born during this month will have problems in profession. They will suffer from diseases. They will have good appetite.
The Full Moon of Simha ( Leo ) occurs near the constellation Alpha Aquilae ( Sravana ) and hence is called Sravana. Those born under this month will be highly religious and will be the darling of the crowd. They will enjoy life, particularly domestic life.
The Full Moon of Kanya ( Virgo ) occurs near the constellation Alpha Pegasi ( Poorvabhadrapada ) and hence is called Bhadrapada. Fair complexion is bestowed on those born during this month. They will be hits with the opposite sex.
The Full Moon of Thula ( Libra ) occurs near the constellation Beta Arietis ( Aswini ) and hence is called Aswina. Kind hearted people are born during this month. They will be hits with the opposite sex and will enjoy a royal life.
The Full Moon of Scorpio ( Vrischika ) occurs near the constellation Eta Tauri ( Karthika ) and hence is called Karthika. Tendencies to remain celibate will be predominant on people born during this month. They will be loquacioius animals and will be crooked.
The Full Moon of Sagittarius ( Dhanus ) occurs near the constellation Lamda Orionis ( Mrigasira ) and hence is called Margashirsha. Those born under this month will visit many pilgrimages. Many intuitive sciences will be mastered by them and they may take to Life Divine.
The Full Moon of Capricorn ( Makara ) occurs near the constellation Alpha Cancri ( Chithra ) and hence is called Pushya. Those born under this lunar month will be secretive and will be indulging in many secret acts. Lots of suffering will visit them.
The Full Moon of Aquarius ( Kumbha ) occurs near the constellation Alpha Leonis ( Magha ) and hence is called Magha. Those born during this phase turn to Yoga and Meditation. They will possess knowledge, both worldly and divine.
The Full Moon of Pisces ( Meena ) occurs near the constellation Beta Leonis ( Uthram ) and hence is called Phalguna. Luck graces the people born during this month. They normally enjoy all the pleasures of life, particularly domestic life.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
Water Crisis triggers Food Crisis !
Water is the base of Life. Without water, there is no life !
Of the available scarce water resources, 70% go to Agriculture, 20% to Industry and 10 % to households.
If water is scarce, it will have its impact on irrigation. There will be less production of foodgrains, vegetables and fruits and the prices of these commodities will shoot up. ( The Govt consoled the people saying that food inflation is only 17%). This is exactly what we are witnessing today.
For instance, the prices of vegetables, fruits and foodgrains have more or less doubled in the last two years. Same is also true of fish and meat.
Less water means the prices of industrial products will shoot up. Hence the inflation. For households, water companies will hike their prices. Which is again what we are witnessing today.
The villain of the piece is overpopulation. Overpopulation strains the ecosystems and burdens social systems. More demand for water and for food. Supply is less. We have come to a stage where people fight for a loaf of bread or a bucket of water !
The hydrological engineer, Michael Kravalik, and his team of scientists ( at the Slovakia Govt NGO People & Water ) give a great warning. The places dried of water are called hot stains and Earth’s hot stains are increasing. If the Earth dries out, as is happening now, it will cause Global Warming, decreased protection from the atmosphere, decreased biodiversity, melting of the polar ice caps, increased solar radiation, massive continental desertification and eventually global collapse.