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Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Progeny Horary
Beeja Sphuta - the combined longitudes of Jupiter- Venus & Sun has to be in an Oja Rasi ( Odd Sign ) & Kshetra Sphuta - the combined longitudes of Jupiter- Moon & Mars in an Even Sign ( Yugma Rasi ).
The longitudes of Sun Venus Jupiter
Is Beeja Sphuta called- O Noble One!
Moon Mars Jupiter collective is female
Kshetra Sphuta, used in Progeny Horary
The Santhana Thithi should be < 180 degrees ( Shukla Paksha or Waxing Moon Fortnight ).
If greater than 180 problems seen as it is Krishna Paksha or Waning Moon Fortnight.
If Santhana Thithi > 240 degrees negativity is indicated.
Check the Fifth House in Negativity Factors.
If Santhana Tidhi Rasi is aspected by benefics - some hope. Not so if it is aspected
by malefics.
If Santhana Thidhi falls in Waxing Moon
Probability of getting a child is high
Difficult if it falls in Waning Moon
And remote if it is after Lunation Fifth !
If ( in Waning Moon ) after Lunation Eighth
Worship the Lord of the Mountains ( Siva ) !
In Lunation Sixth, Lord Karthikeya
And Ganesh, if in Lunation Fourth !
If in Lunation Eighth, do Brahmakoorcha
Also the same in Lunation Fourteen
In Lunation Tenth do Ashtaka
And in New Moon do Parvana, O Noble One!
All lunations in Waxing Moon positive
With Vishnu's Grace it will be received !
If in Lion's & Tiger's Karana
Indicates enemy trouble of a major sort !
Santhana Ravi Thidhi = Long ( Moon ) - Long ( Sun )
Santhana Lagna Thidhi = Long ( Moon ) - Long ( Ascendant )
The Five Equations of V A Horary
In Medical Astrology, the planets rule the five great elements
Element Planet Equation
Earth is ruled by Mercury Prithvi Sutra
Water Venus Jala Sutra
Fire Mars Agni Sutra
Air Saturn Vayu Sutra
Ether Jupiter Akasha Sutra
We have already dealt with the combinations of the three Sutras, viz Jeeva, Roga and Mrithyu.
Jeeva Sutra is Positive
Mrithyu Sutra is Negative
Roga Sutra is neutral
Our Horary Software gives the results as Jeeva, Mrityu and Roga and from the result, you can prognosticate !
Earth Element Formula ( Prithvi Sutra - Mercury - Flesh Skin Bone )
If Prithvi Sutra is Mrityu and if Mercury is badly positioned
in Horary Chart- destruction of cattle- dissipation of tissue
element (Dhatu) ruled by Mercury and all Signs ruled by him -
increase of enemies -enmity from kith and kin - diseases due
to Flesh Bone & Skin - loss of happiness etc- deficiency in the
Earth Element in the body physiologic in Medical Astrology.
This is the Mercurian Equation.
Water Element Formula ( Jala Sutra - Venus - Blood Urine Semen )
If Jala Sutra is Mrityu and if Venus is badly positioned
in Horary Chart- destruction of cattle- dissipation of tissue
element (Dhatu) ruled by Venus & all Signs ruled by him -
increase of enemies -enmity from kith and kin - diseases
due to the water principle - blood urine and semen- defici-
ency in the Water Element in the body physiologic in Medical
Astrology. This is the Venusian Equation.
Fire Element Formula ( Agni Sutra - Mars - Fire - Thirst Sleep )
If Agni Sutra is Mrityu and if Mars is badly positioned
in Horary Chart- destruction of cattle- dissipation of tissue
element (Dhatu)- ruled by Mars & all Signs ruled by him -
increase of enemies - real estate battles - fear of enemies-
fear of government - mental tension - destruction of everything
held dear - enmity from kith and kin - diseases due to
fire and lack of Ojas- deficiency in the Fire Element in the
body physiologic in Medical Astrology. This is the Martian Equation.
Air Element Formula ( Vayu Sutra - Saturn - Air - Movement )
If Vayu Sutra is Mrityu and if Saturn is badly positioned
in Horary Chart- destruction of cattle- dissipation of tissue
element (Dhatu)- ruled by Saturn & all Signs ruled by him -
increase of enemies -enmity from kith and kin - diseases
due to Wind (Vata) - epilepsy - lack of appetite - pox -
fear of low minded enemies - loss in agriculture - legal
battles pertaining to wealth etc - deficiency in the
Air Element in the body physiologic in Medical Astrology.
This is the Saturnine Equation.
Ether Element Formula (Akasha Sutra -Jupiter -Ether -Likes Dislikes)
If Akasha Sutra is Mrityu and if Jupiter is badly positioned
in Horary Chart- destruction of cattle- dissipation of tissue
element (Dhatu) ruled by Jupiter & all Signs ruled by him -
increase of enemies -enmity from kith and kin - destruction
of wealth - health hazards - diseases due to Phlegm or Vasa
and problems from children - deficiency in the Ether Element
in the body physiologic in Medical Astrology. This is the
Jupiterian Equation.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
The Triune Longitude ( Trisphuta ) in Horary
Life is represented by Ascendant
Body is represented by the Moon
Death is represented by Gulika
The sum total longitudes of Life, Body & Death is the Triune Longitude, the Trisphuta
Here we give both negative and positive indications
.......No Shobhanam Trisphutam ( Negative Indications )
If TRI ( Trisphutam ) is conjoined with Gulika and other malefics
high inauspiciousness is indicated.
If TRI ( Trisphutam ) falls in Risha Sandhis ( Kataka Vrischika
& Meena high inauspiciousness is indicated.
If TRI ( Trisphutam ) falls in Gandandha Rasis ( the last Navamsas
of Kataka Vrischika & Meena ) high inauspiciousness is indicated.
If TRI ( Trisphutam ) Rasi falls in the Eighth Rasi of Querent
high inauspiciousness is indicated.
If TRI ( Trisphutam ) Rasi falls in 108th Lunar Mansion from
Querent's Star high inauspiciousness is indicated.
If TRI ( Trisphutam ) Rasi falls in 88th Lunar Mansion from
Querent's Star high inauspiciousness is indicated.
If TRI falls in the last Navamsa of Cancer the patient may not
live for more than one year.
If TRI falls in the last Navamsa of Scorpio the patient may not
live for more than one month.
If TRI falls in the last Navamsa of Pisces the patient may not
live for more than one week.
If STRI ( Sookshma Trisphutam ) Rasi is tenanted by planets the sign-
ifications of that planet will suffer.
For instance if Mars is in STRI Rasi then danger to brother is indi-
If Sun tenants the STRI Rasi danger to father can be predicted.
If Moon tenants the STRI Rasi danger to mother can be indicated.
If Jupiter tenants the STRI Rasi danger to children can be predicted.
If Mercury tenants the STRI Rasi danger to uncle can be predicted.
If Venus tenants the STRI Rasi danger to wife can be indicated.
If Saturn tenants the STRI Rasi danger to subordinates can be indi-
If Trisphuta Navamsa Dwadasamsa Sphutam falls in Risha Sandhis or
the Janma ( 1st ) and Anujanma Stars of the Querent death can be
If the Querent's house contain a member whose star is the same as
the TRI star disease can be predicted for him. Anu Janma stars can
also be taken into account.
If TRI is with the Nava Doshas the querent may face danger.
........... Shobhanam Trisphutam ( Positive Indications )
If TRI is in Srushti Khandas - Mesha Vrishabha Mithuna & Kataka -
in Srushti Nakshatras and if conjoined with benefics good longevity
is indicated.
If TRI falls in the Navamsas of Mesha Simha or Dhanus good long-
evity can be indicated.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Horary Tips
On Enemy Trouble - One of the most important aspects of V A Horary
For Cardinal Signs the 11H is the Badhasthana
( For Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn)
For Fixed Signs the 9H is the Badhasthana
( For Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius)
For Ubhaya Signs the 7H is the Badhasthana
( For Gemini, Virgo, Sag, Pisces )
Mandeesha, the Lord of Gulika Sign, also is Badhaka
All planets with Mandeesh are Badhaka
All planets with Badhakesh, the lord of Badha House, are also Badhaka
( Charodaye Labha Gruhe Thu Badha ....... )
Indications about the Enemy
If Jupiter and the Sun tenant Badhasthana- Enemy is rich and handsome
If Mars- is a hunchback
If Mercury- is of big build
If Saturn- is lame.
If Venus- is a woman
( Shatruswaroopam Ripugena Vachyam ..........)
If the 6H lord is in Badhastana- Badha is obvious
If Badhakesh in the 6H- Badha is predicted
If Mandeesha is in 6H- Badha is obvious
If 6H lord is with Gulika- Badha is clear.
( Badheswarasya Yogekshanam Ari Bhavane Shatrunathasya Yogo.... )
Horary Astrology Tips
Aroodha, Ascendant, Moon & Chatra
If the Houses Sixth, Eighth and Twelfth
Are tenanted by benefics natural
Or if angles and trine are occupied
By malefics natural, suffering is high
If from Aroodha, curse of the learned
If from Ascendant, anger of the world
From Moon, magic of the dark
And from Chatra, anger of deities divine !
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Medical Astrology Horary Tips

Find out in the Horary Chart where Ascendant ( Lagna ) or Base Ascendant ( Aroodha ) is and counted from Aries ( which is the head of the Zodiacal Man ), say where the disease is
The First House represents the Head and the Twelfth House is the feet of the Cosmic Man. Aries His Head, Taurus His Face and Pisces His feet. If the Aroodha or Udaya ( find out which is more powerful) is say the 6th House, you can safely predict disorders of the digestive tract. ( Papa Shashta gatha tada Udara rujam ). If the Aroodha or Udaya is Virgo !
Kalapurushanga Rasau
Yatra Aroododayo cha Samprashtu
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Malefics in Upachayas are good ( in 3,6,10,11 houses )
Natural benefics in 1,4,7,10,5,9,2,11 are good ( Soumya Kendra trikona dhana bhavagah ).
Take for instance, the Nodes of the Moon, Rahu & Ketu. They are excellent in 3,6,10 & 11 houses. The late PM of India, Mrs Gandhi, had Rahu in the 6th and Ketu in the 12th, forming a Kubera Yoga. Rahu in the Sixth destroyed enemies and gave a regal life ( Shashta sthane satru vinasakaree .. ) . So did Ketu in the 12th ( Sada raja yogam naram sad vyayam tat ).
Natural Benefics like Jupiter, Mercury & Venus are good in angles and trines. Angular Jupiter destroys a lakh or 100,000 afflictions ( Laksham Doshan Hanti Devendra Poojya ). Angular Venus destroys 50,000 afflictions, they say ( Kendram Prapya Daithya Mantree tad ardham ). Angular Mercury, devoid of bad associations destroys 25,000 afflictions ! ( Veeryopetha Somaputras thad ardham )
Horocospe Analysis Tips
He is the most important planet, as the Asc ( Ascendant ) rules fame and personality. If he be in a quadrant or a trine, he is well placed and the native will have good reputation and a pleasing personality. It is Sarvam Vilagnepi Chintayeth - everything is based on Lagna. So the most important point is the Ascending Degree, the Lagna Sphuta.
If he be placed badly in the trika or evil 6,8,12 houses, the native will have health hazards.
The Two Lagnas or Ascendants
The Moon Sign or Lunar Ascendant is equally powerful as Lagna or Asc. It is Lagnam va chandra lagnam va.
If the Lunar Asc is more powerful than the Asc, then you can predict from the Lunar Asc or Chandra Lagna.
There are some who take the Solar Asc, that is the Sun Sign, but this is rarely used, the normal practice being taking from Lagna ( Asc ) or Chandra Lagna ( Lunar Asc )
Monday, December 17, 2007
Badhakadhipatya indicates loss of comforts
For Cardinal Signs, the Eleventh House is Badha
For Fixed Cross, the Ninth House
Seventh House for Mutable Quadrature
( For Cardinal Quadrature House Eleven
For Fixed Cross the Ninth House
For Mutable Quadrature House Seven
Know this to be the Badha House )
To be a fully functional Badhaka know
Other conditions should be fulfilled
The lord of Badha should either be lord
Of Kharesa or Sign of Saturn's son!
The Total Longitude Method or the Zodiacal Number System

Planets in the Sixfold Strength
In the Sixfold Strength System, if a planet gets less Shashtiamsas than the minimum stipulated, such a planet is called Vibala, or Weak. Here we give the definitions.
Knowest thou not that planets called Vibala
Are planets weak in the Sixfold Strength?
Cancellation Bhanga they cause of Raja Yoga
And are harmful in their nature; Learned One!
This program checks for weak planets; weak in Shad Bala
Know that Weak Planets cause Raja Yoga Bhanga
Exalted with other strengths is Sampoorna called;
Devoid of other strengths is Poorna; of medium strength
Below its average strength in Sixfold is Riktha; weak
Use these terms for correct prognostication O Noble One!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
1. Bhavadhipathi Bala - Aggregate Shad Bala of the lord of the house
2. Bhava Digbala - Strength acquired by Bhavas falling in Signs.
3. Bhava Dristi Bala - Strength of Bhava aspected by planets.
In the table produced below Bhava Digbala is indicated by DIG and
Bhavadhipathi Bala by OWN. The rest is Bhava Dristi Bala. VJU means
the Visesha Drishti of Jupiter VMA the Visesha Drishti of Mars &
VSA the Visesha Drishti of Saturn.TOT means the total points earned
by a Bhava and RUP means the strength in Rupas ( 60 shastiamsas ).
For the analysis of wealth we have to scrutinise 2 9 10 & 11 houses.
Now in order to know how much the native will have we will have to
evaluate strength of these bhavas. This is where Bhava Bala comes
into action. Not only for ascertaining wealth but for ascertaining
other important Bhavas like Fortune ( 9th Bhava ) Health ( Lagna
Bhava and Longevity ( 8th Bhava ) Bhava Bala has got paramount
Ishta & Kashta Phalas
during its Dasa and Bhukti periods while a planet with more Kashta
Phala is inclined to be adverse during its Dasa Bhukti periods.
Hence during prognostication the Ishta & Kashta points of planets
are taken into consideration.
When the Kashta predominates over the Ishta a bad period is indicated.Miseries and suffering will be the result. On the other hand if Ishta points are more beneficial results can be indicated. If the strength of a Dasa lord predominates over that of the Bhukti lord then the results to be obtained during the Bhukti in question will be that indicated by the Dasa lord who if he has more Ishta Phala will produce more of beneficial effects. The results of Dasas and Bhuktis have to be judged very carefully by a judicious estimate of planetary strengths.
Wealth Ascendant or Dhana Lagna

The lords of Two Five Nine Eleven
The Rays of the Ninth Lords from Asc & Luna
Of wealth beyond the dreams of Avarice know
If Wealth Ascendant is tenanted by benefics
Satellites of Major Planets

Mars Dhooma Sun's longitude + 133 deg 20 mins
Rahu Vyatipata 360- Dhooma's longitude
Moon Parivesh 180 + Vyatipata's longitude
Venus Indrachapa 360 - Parivesh's longitude
Ketu Upaketu Indrachapa + 16 deg 40 mins
A different method of calculation is adopted for the satellitesof Sun Jupiter Saturn Mercury & Mars. Days and nights are divi-ded into 8 divisions.
The first division is ruled by the lord of the day & other divi-sions are given to the other lords in sequential order. Duringnight the first lord is the fifth lord from the lord of the day.
In order to measure the longitudes of satellites two differentmethods have been adopted.In the first method the beginning time of the planet who holds absolute sway is taken. In the other method the end time is taken.The Lagna is computed for this timeand this is how the longitude of the satellite is computed.
To compute Gulika's longitude a third method has been adopted.The rising time of Gulika is charted out for each day and thesphuta or longitude computed is labelled as Mandi or Gulika.
Day of Week Day Night
Sunday 26 ghati (Nazhika) 10 ghati (Nazhika)
Monday 22 " 6 "
Tuesday 18 " 2 "
Wednesday 14 " 26 "
Thursday 10 " 22 "
Friday 6 " 18 "
Saturday 2 " 14 "
The Sixfold Strength in Astrology

Shad bala means the sixfold source of planetary strength. Thereare six kinds of potency in the Parasari System. They are :
1. Sthana Bala - Positional Strength
Application of Shad Balas
Shad Balas are measured in shastiamsas or units of 60. 60 shastiamsas make a Rupa.
Dasa or Period of Directional Influence
Dasa is translated as the period of directional influence of the ruling planet. Philosophically dasa represents the prarabda karma of the native and the inevitable effects he has to undergo during the planet's reign.
In the periods & subperiods of malefics
Transfer ruin economic crises galore misery
Destruction of Masters. During the periods
Of lords of Eighth; Stars Three Five Seven
Misery & if Transit Saturn or Jove adverse
Proclaim Death if other factors negative
Know these to be malefics who tenant
6 8 12 from Ascendant; also their lords
Planets debilitated combust Mandeesha
Malefics tenanting trines angles two
Lords Mandyamsa 3 5 7 from Birth Star
Their Dasas bring in misery and pain
Benefics in angles are good O scholar!
There are many terms for planets who reign
Sampoorna Balavarjitha(Poorna) Riktha called!
Anishtaphalada Madhya Avarohi Arohini Adhama
Know these Eight terms to be their Samjnas!
The Ashtakavarga System in Astrology

Monday, December 10, 2007
Mars - Sun Opposition
The path of Mars is elliptical and not circular and the distance will be 54.8 million miles from the Earth. Mars at perihelion is 35 million miles and 63 million miles at Aphelion. On that day, Sun, Mars and the Earth will lie in a straight line.
This astronomical phenemenon, we all know, and what are its repercussions in Mundane Astrology ?
Such an opposition is malefic, according to the classical texts. But Jupiter is in Sagittarius, opposing Mars and his benefic aspect falls on Mars in Gemini. This tempers the evil effects of the Sun-Mars opposition
Mars in Gemini aspects the 4th house ( Virgo ) as well as the 8th ( Capricorn ). His seventh aspect falls on Sagittarius.
India, US, Pakistan Brazil, Syria, Albania, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, France, Hungary, Italy - all these are countries ruled by the abovementioned signs. So it is only natural that these countries will be adversely affected by the Sun- Mars opposition.
Prices in India will rise. The Govt's projection of 5% inflation is not real. Prices of essential food items have gone up considerably. Cotton, gold, red chillies, copper, oil, mustard, real estate, shares - all these will go up. But Jupiter's aspect will see to that the evil of inflation is kept under check. In US, the dollar is also badly hit. Subprime woes have not subsided. Pakistan is undergoing a political crisis. Problems also in Afghanistan and Bangladesh
Sunday, December 09, 2007
The Theory of Kakshyas
Each Kakshya of 3 degrees and 45 minutes or 1/8 th of a Sign has different rulers. Sequentially, they are Saturn, Jupiter, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon and the Lagna.
In its transit of a Zodiacal Sign, each planet has to pass through each Kakshya in the above order.
Now Jupiter is transiting Sagittarius and now is in the First Kakshya, ruled by Saturn.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Transit effects from the Asc - For Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius & Pisces

Capricorn - Unnecessary expenditure marks this phase. Unnecessary journeys and wanderings. Quarrels with neighbours and false allegations have to be faced. Fear of accidents.
Aquarius - As the 11th lord in the 11th, Jove will increase prosperity. Pilgrimages give satisfaction. There will be some satisfaction in marital life. Relief from the health problems of spouse. Students should take their studies seriously.
Pisces - There will be professional enhancement. Gain and success will be yours. Mental peace affected by parents' health problems. You will get relief from health hazards.
Transit Effects for Virgo, Libra, Scorpio from Asc
Libra - The health of the spouse may affect mental peace. Unnecessary journeys and wanderings. You may have to face calumny. Quarrels with neighbours foreseen. Loss of prestige and status.
Scorpio - For Scorpians, this time is very favourable as Jove is in the Second ( Vitha Samriddhi ). There will gains of a high order and increase in income. Good returns from previous investment cannot be ruled out.
For Gemini, Cancer and Leo - Transits from Asc
Cancer- Health probems manifest for Cancerians. Also quarrels with near and dear ones. Those above the age of 50 should exercise maximum vigilance. Success in competition, as well as over rivals. Those who are unemployed may get jobs.
Leo - You will get relief from health problems. Pilgrimages and travelling to places considered sacred. Properity and general success. Children will give satisfaction, as they will do well in their studies. Lovers may tie their knots and the unmarried will get their partners. Rivalry in profession may come to an end.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Astro Genetics

I was astonished to see that in the horoscope of my son, Jupiter is angular. So it is in my daughter's horoscope. In mine, he is in Cancer, in the Ascendant and angular. Angular Jupiter is considered to foster spirituality.
So we find that two great sciences, Astrology and Genetics combine to form Astro-Genetics !
Friday, November 30, 2007
The Three Elarata Saturns !
In a human life span, he causes ES thrice, as his sidereal period is 30 years.
The first Elarata Saturn is called Mangum Sani or Depressing Saturn.
The second E S is called Pongum Sani or Rising Saturn.
The third ES is called Pokku Sani or Going Saturn.
The first ES is bad, as he can devastate. The first ES caught me when I was 18 years old. Till 25.5 years, he was ruling and he made me suffer horribly. There was Sthanabramsam, as I had to leave Kochi, where I was studying. I left for Bombay in search of a job.
Now I am undergoing the second ES, which is good professionally, but is full of tension.
The second ES is paradoxical. It will elevate a man professionally, but will create tension in his psyche. It will affect his physique and psyche adversely. It will devastate his purse also. ( Dhanakshyam ).
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Sri Ram’s Horoscope & the Preservation of Astrological Knowledge
An exchange between Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet (Thea), President of Aeon Trust and Director of Aeon Centre of Cosmology in southern India, and SaiSrinivasan, Executive Officer, Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments Administration Department of Government of Tamil Nadu [1] and Trustee of Aeon Trust.
SaiSrinivasan: I have reproduced here the horoscope of Sri Ram from a book which I have with me. In fact my father was worshiping Sri Ram’s horoscope in his pooja room.
First house – Sun, Mercury.
Second –
Third – Kethu.
Fourth – Lagnam, Jupiter, Moon.
Fifth –
Sixth –
Seventh – Saturn
Eighth –
Nineth – Rahu
Tenth – Mars
Eleventh –
Twelveth – Venus.
The month is Chitra, Nakshatra is Punarvasu and Zodiacal sign Cancer according to Valmiki Ramayana. But the dates differ now because of Nirayana. . . .
Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet: Yes, Sai, this is correct, this is the horoscope that is given out as Sri Ram’s, but of course it is not his actual horoscope. Nonetheless, it is interesting because daily your father was worshiping the sacred art of astrology through this horoscope, though it was not Ram’s, and doing his part to preserve the ancient Knowledge even without realising it. It was the chart as of the IDEAL MAN that the 7th Avatar incarnated, hence Ram was the best channel for this ‘ideal’ preservation. To illustrate: the Sun is in Aries (Chitra) which is its EXALTATION . . . . Thus, they are in the 3rd and 9th in Ram’s chart as well. The important sign/house is the fourth, Cancer, and this would be interesting for those Dakshinamurthy temples, giving the proof of the EXALTATION OF JUPITER IN CANCER, the fourth sign of the tropical zodiac, the ’south’ Cardinal Point. It is ruled by the Moon, and so they locate the Moon in that sign/house also. Since it is considered his ‘lagna’ or ascendant, they read it as being his birth sign, and not where the Sun is found (Aries), as we do today, but rather Cancer. It is of course interesting that Cancer is the last sign of his descent as the 7th Avatar. The 7th Manifestation of Ram, according to my Map of the 12 Manifestations [2], would consist of the signs Virgo, Leo and Cancer. Then the hand of the Time-Spirit moves on to start the 8th Manifestation of Krishna and the first sign met is Gemini. (This is all according to the Precession of the Equinoxes which moves BACKWARD through the zodiac. See The Gnostic Circle for all details. [3]) For me this sign of the twins, Gemini, is really Luv and Kush, Ram and Sita’s twin sons. They carried the legend of Ram throughout the land it is said. You could say they prepared the way for Krishna’s appearance 6000 years after Ram in the 8th Manifestation. The Twins opened the way and Gemini, the sign of the Twins, indicates their part in the Descent. They appear in this way as the carry-over from Ram’s appearance to Krishna’s, 7th to 8th, with Gemini, the Twins as the bridge. How beautiful. How coherent. . . . To continue:
– Saturn is located in Libra, the 7th sign/house, and that is Saturn’s EXALTATION
– Mars is located in the tenth sign/house which is Capricorn its EXALTATION
– Venus is located in the twelfth sign/house, Pisces, where it is in EXALTATION.
So, you see, this is clear proof that Ram’s horoscope was only to preserve the knowledge of the signs, rulership and exaltations, which is the basic structure of astrology and what needs to be preserved in times of darkness and attacks. Every planet is in EXALTATION or RULERSHIP. By making it Ram’s ‘horoscope’, it was assured that his devotees, such as your father, would help to preserve the Knowledge down the ages by means of his daily worship. Obviously to actually believe that this was the configuration of the heavens at the time of his birth is to miss the point entirely. But this is an example of just how completely the Knowledge had been lost. No one realised the truth! Researchers continue today to try and ferret out when in aeons gone by the heavens reflected this arrangement so as to know the date of Ram’s birth! Of course that never happened. They have missed such an obvious point! What a beautiful example this has been . . .
By the way . . . this is conclusive proof that the Tropical Zodiac and NOT the Nakshatras has been the system all along. For as long as this ‘horoscope’ of Ram’s has been circulating, it has been the Sayana system. Everything I have indicated in my analysis of the chart was entirely with the Tropical Zodiac. There is no Nakshatra business at all involved. In fact, with the Nirayana system you would not be able to understand what Ram’s horoscope really means. All the rulerships, exaltations, and so forth, are properties of the Tropical Zodiac. My Lord, what a mess India is in. This Niryana deviation has brought a terrible darkness to prevail . . . Thea
1-2 September 2007
[1] SaiSrinivasan is the Executive Officer for the following temples in Tamil Nadu:
1. Sri MahaMariamman temple, Valangaiman, Thiruvarur District.
2. Sri Kailasanathar temple, Valangaiman, Thiruvarur District.
3. Sri Kothandaramar temple, Valangaiman, Thiruvarur District.
4. Sri Arunachaleswarar temple, Valangaiman, Thiruvarur District.
5. Sri Swarnapureeswarar temple, Andankoil, Thiruvarur District.
6. Sri Pasupatheeswarar temple, Avoor, Thiruvarur District.
7. Sri Anatheeswarar temple, Saluvanpettai,Thiruvarur District.
8. Sri Lakshminarayana Perumal temple, Saluvanpettai.
9. Sri Kalinganarthana Perumal temple, Uthukadu, Thiruvarur.10. Sri Ayyanar temple, Kiliyur, Thiruvarur District.
11. Sri Lakshminarayana Perumal temple, Udayalur, Thanjavur.
12. Sri Kailasanathar temple, Udayalur, Thanjavur District.
13. Sri Selvamakaliamman temple, Udayalur, Thanjavur District.
14. Sri Lakshminarayan Perumal temple, Mathur, Thiruvarur District.
15. Sri Kamakshi temple, Sithavalur, Thiruvarur District.
[2] Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet, ‘Map of the 12 Manifestations’,
[3] Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet, The Gnostic Circle,
Jupiter in Sag
Crude hovering over the 95 dollar mark, the sub prime crisis in the US, the general slowing down of the US market, the fall of all Asian markets - all these negative factors will affect India.
Jupiter in Scorpio was good for India and the Sensex, considered to be the barometer of the economy, touched 20000 levels. Real Estate also rose, along with construction and financial services.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Horoscopes of Augustus Caesar & Aurobindo

In Augustus's horoscope, Libra was rising and Jupiter was in the 10th exalted, conferring Hamsa Yoga, one of the best Yogas in Astrology and one of the five Pancha Maha Purusha Yogas. Jupiter in the 10th is an emperor.
In Aurobindo's horoscope, Jupiter was rising along with Cancer Ascendant. Jupiter in the Ascedant is a Yogi.
Both were directed by the Divine. Both had confidence that everything was divinely ordained. Both believed themselves to be born for noble missions, for which all personal comforts should be sacrificed.
Augustus founded the Religion of Numa and consecrated his life to the welfare of his subjects.
Aurobindo founded Integral Yoga and Integral Philosophy and helped millions achieve Enlightenment.
Their horoscopes show how powerful Jupiter is in enlightening men and taking them to the Path Divine!
Friday, November 02, 2007
Problem on Eastrovedica Server
Those who want to submit can do so via email, stating the time, place and date of birth to
This is a technical problem as CDonts is not working on this server. The Technical Man informed me that it is oCDOConf which works on this server and not CDonts. So I took it in another method. Anyway, we will get the problem sorted out soon
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Jupiter moves over to Sagittarius on 21st November !
For Aries, he moves over to the benign 9th. There will be increased goodwill, auspicious events in the family and gain of largesse.
For Taurus, he moves over to the malign 8th. This is a time to be very careful. Be careful while handling money. Be careful also about human relations.
For Gemini, he moves over to the favourable 7th. Take calculated risks to bring home the bacon
For Cancer, he moves over to the unfavourable 6th. Be careful about jealous people, about enemies. Fate may hit your Ego
For Leo, he moves over to the benefic 5th. There will be gain of largesse and increased goodwill.
For Virgo, he moves over to the malefic 4th. Be careful about wealth and health.
For Libra, he moves over to the malefic 3rd. Be careful while handling money and human relations.
For Scorpio, he moves over to the very benign 2nd. " Vitha Samruddhi " - there will be handsome gains.
For Sagittarius, he is in the unfavourable First for 361 days. There will be lots of problems to be faced.
For Capricorn, he is in the malefic 12th. Be careful about money and reputation.
For Aquarius, he is in the very favourable 11th. There will be handsome gains and increase of reputation.
For Pisces, he is in the unfavourable 10th. Loss of position and wandering about is the result.
He is favourable only in 5 signs and in the other 7 Zodiacal signs he is adverse. Let us pray to Him not to molest humanity.
Deva Mantri Vishalakshah
Sada Loka Hithe Rathah
Aneka Shishya Sampoornah
Peedam Harathu Me Guru !
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
The Zodiac, as defined by a poet
And Spikes three sixty
With speed cruel
Such is Thy form as Time !
The great poet Melpathur defined the Zodiac as the true personification of Time Eternal. ( Durvaram dwadasaram ... ). It is He manifest as the 360 degrees Zodiac. In order to dispense Karma to individuals, He assumed the form of Zodiac, the constellations and the planets
Jeevanam Karmaphalada Graharoopi Janardhana
Thy True Form is as Time Eternal !
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Upgradation of EastroVedica to 100 MB
As files were not uploaded on the previous server, I was afraid my monthly forecast files may not be uploaded. Hence the change of server. Now it is faster and better
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Optimistic news ( Effect of Jove in the Fifth )
India's GNP is bound to grow at 10% for the next ten years. India has risen to the second position, as far as foreign investment is concerned.
As we have said before, $ 700 b total and $180 b in manufacturing and with a motivated labour force, India is on the way to become a big power !
Half a billion middle class and with the second largest tech manpower in the world, India's growth will only be second to China, who is growing at 12%.
With improved relations with the US, India is on the road to recovery from debt
Monday, October 15, 2007
Jupiter in the Fifth - Sensex at a record 19000!
Traders are now optimistic about 20000 ! It took only 8 sessions to reach 18000 and four sessions to reach 19000! As the scientist pointed out, it is Cash Flow that drives the Sensex and Nifty.
Hope there will be many more records before Jupiter leaves Scorpio !
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Forex Reserves cross $ 250 billion - Effect of Jove in Scorpio
Massive investments are planned in infrastructure, IT, realty, tourism, auto etc. Exports will be $ 150 billion this year. The Sensex is at record levels.
Jupiter has been in Scorpio for the last 10 months and during this phase India has progressed rapidly. The Fifth House is considered to be the Lakshmi Sthana or the House of Prosperity, as the 5th is the 9th from the 9th !
Furthur rise is foreseen and India may become the third economic power by 2050 !
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Jupiter in the Lakshmi Sthana
One physicist has postulated that like Heat which makes the mercury in the thermometer go up, so also Cash pushes up the Sensex & Nifty levels ! So true, if we consider that the Sensex is at a record 18600 ! The Sensex is said to be the barometer of the economy. Now economists are saying that the Sensex will up still furthur as cash flow continues into India. Improved relations with the US is another factor. More and more millionaires, billionaires and trillionaires ( in rupees ) are born. Sunil Mittal of Bharti Airtel became India's fourth trillionaire in rupees !
As India upgrades technology, infrastructure, marketing and quality control, she will be a force to reckon with in the global market. Competition from China is healthy and will only bring the best from the Indians !
Effects of Jupiter in the Fifth House for India
Jupiter in the Fifth promotes finance and India is changing fast into an industrial power. She may very well become the third largest economy by 2050.
It is believed that the Sensex will rise furthur. Technical corrections will always be there but since the cash flow into India is high, we can see some record levels !
More FDI is expected to come to India. Even though imports exceed exports, economists foresee a developed India by 2020.
The rise of the 300 million middle class, globalisation, privatisation and liberalisation - all these are the causative factors for India's 9 per cent growth. This growth is only second to China, who is growing at 12%.
Bill Gates said India is a potential software superpower. Now with $ 180 billion coming in as investment in manufacturing, India will progress rapidly.
Jupiter in the Fifth is a great promoter. This reflected even in Sports, when Dhoni's men brought the World T20 Cup and V Anand was crowned the World Chess Champion. Touism, software, realty are all growing rapidly.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Jupiterian Cycles ( Jupiter in Scorpio )
One Jupiterian Cycle is 12 years and India brought the Cup in 1983 ( 2 Jupiterian cycles before ). In 1971, Wadekar brought another laurel ( 3 Jupiterian cycles before)
Jupiter is a functional benefic in India's horoscope, being the lord of 9th & 6th houses from India's Moon Sign, Cancer. In 2007, the Sensex hit record levels, 17000 also!
Things to ponder about !
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
TM, must for an astrologer
The Intuitive Mind of the astrologer is at work. After invoking the Central Sun, the Absolute Self, he analyses the heavenly archetype, which is the horoscope. Now his Intuitive Mind starts to work. The Intuitive Mind reveals to him the karmic patterns of the client, represented by his current planetary periods and transits.
This intuitive science definitely needs TM !
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Article Wisdom on another server

Friday, July 13, 2007
Saturn's Transit of Leo !

We pray that this change is good for all people !
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Saturn moves over to Leo on July 15

Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Saturn's transit of Cancer !
She was born in the constellation of Hasta. Hasta is presided by the Moon and Saturn's transit through Cancer ( the sign of the Moon ) indicated her death. She was sick for the last 6 years.
She knew Astrology and told me that she will pass away during my Elarata Saturn ( I have two more years for Elarata Saturn to finish ). It was she who taught me Astrology from childhood onwards.
I am in mourning till the 16th of this month.
So astrologically, Saturn, the Mrithyukaraka or significator of death passing through the sign of the Birth Star lord was responsible for her moving over to the astral plane. May her soul rest in peace.
Sunday, May 20, 2007

Saturday, May 19, 2007
Ayurveda Articles !
Back again !
We have compiled some excellent articles on Web Designing and Web Marketing at
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Upgradation of sites !
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
The Solar Trinity
The Sun at dawn is the Creator Brahma
Trailokyam Dinakarah
The Western mystics took his three manifestations as Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.
The philosophers of Greece and Egypt divided the life of the sun during the year into four parts; therefore they symbolized the Solar Man by four different figures. When He was born in the winter solstice, the Sun God was symbolized as a dependent infant who in some mysterious manner had managed to escape the Powers of Darkness seeking to destroy Him while He was still in the cradle of winter. The sun, being weak at this season of the year, had no golden rays (or locks of hair), but the survival of the light through the darkness of winter was symbolized by one tiny hair which alone adorned the head of the Celestial Child. (As the birth of the sun took place in Capricorn, it was often represented as being suckled by a goat.)
At the vernal equinox, the sun had grown to be a beautiful youth. His golden hair hung in ringlets on his shoulders and his light, as Schiller said, extended to all parts of infinity. At the summer solstice, the sun became a strong man, heavily bearded, who, in the prime of maturity, symbolized the fact that Nature at this period of the year is strongest and most fecund. At the autumnal equinox, the sun was pictured as an aged man, shuffling along with bended back and whitened locks into the oblivion of winter darkness. Thus, twelve months were assigned to the sun as the length of its life. During this period it circled the twelve signs of the zodiac in a magnificent triumphal march. When fall came, it entered, like Samson, into the house of Delilah (Virgo), where its rays were cut off and it lost its strength. In Masonry, the cruel winter months are symbolized by three murderers who sought to destroy the God of Light and Truth.
The coming of the sun was hailed with joy; the time of its departure was viewed as a period to be set aside for sorrow and unhappiness. This glorious, radiant orb of day, the true light "which lighteth every man who cometh into the world," the supreme benefactor, who raised all things from the dead, who fed the hungry multitudes, who stilled the tempest, who after dying rose again and restored all things to life--this Supreme Spirit of humanitarianism and philanthropy is known to Christendom as Christ, the Redeemer of worlds, the Only Begotten of The Father, the Word made Flesh, and the Hope of Glory.
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Transcendental Alchemy

Saturday, March 03, 2007
Alchemy, Yoga & Astrology

Alchemy is a similar discipline as Yoga. The soul undergoes Putrefaction, Fermentation and Combustion and these are yogic processes. Alchemy is referred to as Labour of the Sun, of the Greater Central Sun. All mystic schools were Solar ! Astrology is also considered as Saura, of the Solar Path ! By Sol is the meant the Inner Sun, the Absolute Self, the Divine Solar Consciousness. This labour of the Sun is symbolised by the Eye of Ra, the Solar Symbol, the Eye of Divine Providence !
In the West, Alchemy was founded by the divine Hermes Trigmegistus. It was referred to as the Fire Religion, as alchemical principles were based on the Inner Divine Fire or the Kundalinic Fire, the fiery Serpent which lies coiled in humans. During its ascent, it burns away the mortal dross ! She lies coiled at the Muladhara, the Base Chakra. During Meditation, She rises and ascends to the Crown Chakra, giving the initiate the taste of Cosmic Consciousness.
Alchemy is derived from two words in Arabic, "al" meaning " the " and "Khem" meaning Egypt. Sir William Budge opined that Alchemy comes from the Egyptian word "Khemein", meaning black powder. This word became prominent in the Alexandrian Mystery Schools. Alexandria was then the philosophic capital of Egypt.
Purpose of Alchemy
Alchemy is the Science of Being, based on the values of the Infinite. It is the Divine Plan and the vehicle of the Ageless Wisdom. Masterminds of the ages wouldnt have indulged in it, if it had only a mundane aim.
In every man, there is a hunger to learn about superconscient truths. He is always in search of "the Philosopher's Stone" or " the Holy Grail ". Alchemy is referred to as " Path of Return", from Becoming to Being. Alchemy teaches Man the principles of regeneration and resurrection, laws of creation and transmutation; the laws that would assist Man to regain his "Paradise". Alchemy is the true Jnana Yoga; Union with the Divine is effected through the principles of
The ancient Mysteries called it the Regenerative Science par excellence !
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Sacred Mathematics !

The Universe is based on mathematical Law.
Galileo said
“Philosophy is written in this grand book --
I mean the universe --
Which stands continually open to our gaze.
But it cannot be understood
Unless one first learns to comprehend the language
And interpret the characters in which it is written.
It is written in the language of mathematics,
And its characters are triangles, circles, and other geometric figures,
Without which it is humanly impossible to understand a single word of it.”
-- Galileo Galilei, Il Saggiatore (1623)
The Celestial Triangle is the triangle formed by Aswini, Magha and Moola, at 0 degrees, 120 degrees adn 240 degrees ( Trikonas ). Celestial Rectangles are called Kendras and it is represented in Astrology as 0, 90, 180 & 270 degrees. A conjunction is 0 degrees and Opposition 180 degrees.
We are happy to note that Astrology is emerging as one of the most important sciences in the Age of Aquarius. If the Piscean Age represented Faith, the New Aquarian Age represents Gnosis, Knowledge or Philosophia Prima . Knowledge alone can make you free !
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Sixfold Analysis

Friday, February 23, 2007
Twelve Arts & the Seven Liberal Arts in Indian & Western Learning
Ashraya sarva dharmanam
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Another Verse for Medical Astrology

This is the translation of a verse from Anushtatna Paddhati " Asthi thwak pisicham cha roma cha sira Bhoo ...... "
Basic Verses for Medical Astrology

Blood by the fair Luna
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
The concept of Kalapurusha, Time Eternal

Wednesday, February 14, 2007
The only Visible Science, Astrology !

There are sciences main Six
Controversial most of them are
Astrology is the visible Science
With Sun & Moon as witnesses celestial !
This is a translation of a poetic verse in Prasna Anushtana Paddhathi. The Seers, after divining the subtle states of Energy and Matter, presented them in poetic verses. Poetry is divine, it is the centre and circumference of all learning !
Zodiacal Number System : The Total Longitude Method
If the Longitude Total falls in constellations negative
Not fully enjoyed will be the House Significations
If - on the other hand - positivity is more than minus
All the significations of the House will fully enjoyed
Negative will be the house indications if
Said Longitude falls in Signs & Stars negative!
Samhara- Durithamsaka- Gandanda- Ushna- Visha
Dhooma stars - Vishti - 6 & 8th lords Sign!
Signs rising backwards -Adhomukha Signs-Riktha
Downtide Signs -Karanas & functional malefics!
Positive be the house indications O scholar if
Said Longitude falls in Stars & Signs Positive!
Pranamsa - Dehamsa - Srishti - Piyusha - Oordhwa
Benefic aspects -benign- Uptide-Trines & angles !
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Varaha Mihira, father of Asian Astronomy & Astrology

His major work in Astronomy is the Pancha Siddantika ( "Five Astronomical Treatises" )
In Astrology, the Brihat Jataka
In Samhita, the Brihat Samhita
His most famous work is the treatise on the Five Astronomical Treatises. Previously five major astronomical works held absolute sway on the astronomical scene. The Soorya Siddhanta by the Seer Soorya, the Romasa Siddhanta by the Seer Romasa, the Paulasa Siddhanta by the Seer Paulasa, Vasishta Siddhanta by Vasishta, and Paitamaha Siddhanta by the Seer Pitamaha were the prevailing astronomical texts. His genius summarised the quintessence of all these five as the Five Astronmical Treatises, the Pancha Siddhantika.
The Indian Government recognised his genius and a mural painting adorns the Parliament House at Delhi. This painting includes him along with another great astronomer, Aryabhata
Khytho Varahamihiro Nripathe Sabhayam
Ratnani Vai Vararuchir nava vikramasya
Cheiro, the Master Diviner !

He spoke of the Hindu race and the remarkable sciences for foretelling future, (The Bhavishya Purana) which the Hindus, have, as prophetic sciences:
“To consider the origin of this science, we must take our thoughts back to the earliest days of the world’s history, and further more to the consideration of a people the oldest of all, yet one that has survived, and who are today as characteristic and as full of individuality as they were when thousands of years ago the first records of history were written.
I allude to those children of the East, the Hindus, a people whose philosophy and wisdom are every day being more and more revived.”
“Looking back to the earliest days of the history of the known world, we find that the first linguistic records belong to the people under consideration, and date back to that far distant cycle of time known as the Aryan civilization. Beyond history we cannot go; but the monuments and cave temples of India, according to the testimony of archaeologists, all point to a time so far beyond the scant history at our disposal, that in the examination of such matters our greatest knowledge is dwarfed into infantile nothingness – our age and era are but the swaddling clothes of the child; our manhood that of the infant in the arms of the eternity of time.”
“Long before Rome or Greece or Israel was even heard of, the mountains of India point back to an age, of learning beyond, and still beyond. From the astronomical calculations that the figures in their temples represent, it has been estimated that the Hindu understood the Precession of the Equinoxes centuries before the Christian Era."
(source: Hinduism in The Space Age - By E. Vedavyas p. 233-235).
In a book called You and Your Hand by the late Count Louis Hamon, known better as Cheiro, this statement is found:
"people who in their ignorance disdain the wisdom of ancient races forget that the great past of India contained secrets of life and philosophy that following civilizations could not controvert, but were forced to accept. For instance, it has been demonstrated that the ancient Hindus understood the precession of the equinoxes and made the calculation that it [a complete cycle] took place once in every 25,870 years. The observation and mathematical precision necessary to establish such a theory has been the wonder and admiration of modern astronomers. They, with their modern knowledge and up-to-date instruments, are still quarrelling among themselves as to whether the precession, the most important feature in astronomy, takes place every 25,870 years or every 24,500 years. The majority believe that the Hindus made no mistakes, but how they arrived at such a calculation is as great a mystery as the origin of life itself."
(source: Antiquity of Indian Astrology).
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Lunar Theory, Astronomia Vedica & Newton

In the West, the Lunar Theory, an explanation of the perturbations of the Moon based on the Law of Gravitation, is attributed to Newton. Newton was not only a star in Physics, but in Astronomy as well.
In the hoary books of Vedic Astronomy, the longitude of the Moon is computed based on the Lunar Theory. Moon's Parallactic Equation, Annual Equation, The Variaton, Evection etc are considered and 14 trignometric corrections are given to get the true sidereal longitude of Luna
Here are the calculations in Astronomia Vedica
The Perturbations of the Moon
(Ms - Mean Anomaly of the Sun; Mm - Mean Anomaly of the Moon; Ls - Mean Longitude of the Sun; Lm - Mean Longitude of the Moon; D = Lm - Ls ( Thidhi); Nm - Node of the Moon. These values are Sidereal or Nirayana )
14 Kendras are to be made and 14 trignometric corrections are to be given, according to astronomical savants. These 14 reductions are mandatory and only after these reductions can we get the true longitude of the Moon.
First Kendra
Sin ( Ms + 180 ) * 658
Second Kendra
Sin ( Lm - Ls ) * 121
Third Kendra
Sin ( 2*D - Mm ) * 4467
Fourth Kendra
Sin ( 2*D + 6 Signs ) * 2145
Fifth Kendra
Sin (( 2*D - Mm -Ms ) + 180)* 198
Sixth Kendra
Sin ( 2*D - Ms ) * 155
Seventh Kendra
Sin ( Mm- Ms + 180 ) *112
Eighth Kendra
Sin ( 2( Lm - Nm- Mm +180))* 85
Ninth Kendra
Sin ( 2*Ls - Nm ) * 81
Tenth Kendra
Sin ( Mm - Ms )* 73
Eleventh Kendra
Sin ( 2*D + Mm ) * 60
Twelfth Kendra
Sin ( 2*Mm - 2 D + 180 ) * 42
Thirteenth Kendra
Sin ( 4*D - Mm ) * 35
Fourteenth Kendra
Sin ( 4*D - 2*Mm +180)* 30
These trignometric corrections should be added to Moon's Mean Longitude if the Kendra is in the Southern Celestial Hemisphere and deducted if the Kendra is in the Northern Celestial Hemisphere and then we get the Samskrutha Chandra Madhyamam or the Cultured Mean Longitude of the Moon. Manda Kriya ( Reduction to True Anomaly ) must be done. Then Parinathi Kriya ( Reduction to Ecliptic ) should be done and what we get then is the longitude of the Moon along the Ecliptic !
Viskshepa Vrittopa Gatho VipathaThasmannayel Jyam Parinathyabhikhyam
Yugmaupada Swarnam Idam VidheyamSyath Kranti Vritteeya Ihaisha Chandra !
After the Reductions Fourteen,
Sin M to be added or minussed thereby
To the Cultured Longitude Mean;
The Node to be deducted &
Reduced to the Earth's Path ( Ecliptic );
thus shall we get as the resultant Value,
Luna's true Sidereal Longitude !
Monday, February 05, 2007
Kepler, the Astronomer